Why Not Knit?

there's no such thing as too much knitting...

Sunday, September 03, 2006

knitting away

Evidently I can no longer select different type colors. That's a bummer, I enjoyed using a different color for each entry. Oh well...

I am still knitting away on the baby sweater for Malenka. I should be able to finish it tomorrow, just have most of one front and the seaming. Then I have to decide if I'm going to crochet some kind of edging on the thing. In pink. Pink is Malenka's signature color. Maybe I'll try a picot edge, if I can find instructions in any of my numerous knitting books.

There are only 3 more weeks till knitting camp, and I am so excited. As usual. I so enjoy camp, can't wait for it to get here and then hate when it's over. I have to start thinking now, about what I'll bring to work on. And this time I may even have something for show and tell.

We had a wonderful rain storm today, and last night too. It's good, we need the rain. And now I don't have to move my lazy butt outside to put up sprinklers!
Fall is definitely coming, I've felt a certain crispness in the air for several days now. I can't wait~I love Fall more than anything.
And of course Fall always means football...we all know how happy that makes me.

Little doggie is looking up at me with his most sad face because I took his squeaker away from him. If it were up to him, he'd squeak all day and night!

Today I found lots more Minnesota knitter blogs, and have been enjoying checking them out. It's almost too bad, cause I really didn't need to be spending any more time on the computer.

Time for bed now, even though no work for me tomorrow. Can't stay up as late as I used to...



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