Why Not Knit?

there's no such thing as too much knitting...

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

beedy eyes

Well, here I am again. Another day gone by without having knit anything. But tomorrow I will go to my Dana friend's house, and we will knit lots. I have high hopes anyway.
Dana is leaving Friday for Florida, and will be there for her fortieth birthday, so tomorrow night she will get her birthday goodies from me. I tried really hard to get her 40 birthday presents...it's harder to do than you might think. Currently I have 18. And it took me a long time to get those 18 presents, let me tell you. It was a great idea though.

I recently started to knit a beaded bracelet. I'm about 5 rows into the i-cord for the button hole. I'm ashamed to admit that it took me a good half hour to get that much done. Little bitty needles (which are even bigger than what I'm supposed to be using) & little bitty 'yarn'. I can hardly see what I'm doing. Seriously, my eyes cross when I look at it. This could get really ugly. Makes me wonder how badly I want to make my own beaded knit bracelet. I mean, after all, I do have one already. How many do I really need? I always think thoughts like this when I'm learning something new that's hard.
I just got back from letting the dog out, and realized I spelled 'beaded' as 'beeded'. It's late dude, and I'm tired. Must be time to hang up my hat.
So, I will.
No knitting, no pictures, nothing good tonight. Just me yapping away. (Yes, I do hear myself saying whatever it is I'm typing, as I'm typing. Is that weird? Oh well...)


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