Why Not Knit?

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Wednesday, May 18, 2005

these dreams

I knit several rows on the Purple Shawl last night while watching some country music awards show last night. It was fun to watch, but made me realize how unfamiliar I am with country music anymore. Used to be all I listened to, but not so much anymore. It was fun to see all the singers~I thought it was great to see Garth Brooks, and he gave a very touching tribute to Chris LeDoux.
I also watched one of my all time favorite TV shows last night~Law & Order Special Victims Unit. If you are not watching this show you are really missing out. The L & O Criminal Intent is my other fave. They are both very well done, and I love all the characters and the actors who portray them.

Today I did something I never thought I'd do. I ran. On purpose, not because I was being chased by a maniac with a gun and/or knife. And then, when the running was over, I didn't die. I kept asking my friend, "Am I jogging? Am I really doing it?" Later in the day I called and asked her if that was the same kind of running that people do outside. I just couldn't believe it! I did it for 3 MINUTES!!! And I'm not regretting it yet. (meaning it doesn't feel like my legs have melted into a puddle on the floor) I may even try to do it again tomorrow.

In my dreams I run. I mean, I run like a long distance runner would run.
Up hills, down hills. On paved roads, on dirt paths.

I am long and lean, like a gazelle, in these running dreams.


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