Why Not Knit?

there's no such thing as too much knitting...

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Blue skies smiling at me

Hallelujia (or however the hell you spell that word) the sun really does exist! It was out today, and it was glorious. Let's hope we're seeing the end of the yucky, icky, rainy days.

I'm drinking a cup of yummy jasmine tea, made from the strange looking balls of tea. That sounds rather odd, when I read it over. Balls of tea. I may have to write "An Ode to Balls of Tea", similar to my 'Ode to Cheesey Popcorn'. Of course, the Cheesey Popcorn ode was a testament of my love and devotion to said cheesey popcorn. The Balls of Tea ode may be slighty less affectionate. I am such a gutter dog that a reference to anything that could ever possibly be testicular in nature brings out the rude, crude and obnoxious me that I enjoy so much. And that would be too bad, since the balls of jasmine tea are so yummy, and I really do love them!
So, maybe no 'Ode to Balls of Tea'. I probably don't really want to post such a thing. I may eventually want someone else to read this here blog, and don't want to get embarassed.
Wait a minute! Who just took over my body? Anyone who knows me the slightest little bit knows that I do not embarass easily. With one foot in the gutter all the time, it's hard to do.

Shall I change the subject entirely? Didn't get to knit yet tonight, although I may manage a few rows before my sleeping pill kicks in. I tell you what, I'd love to be a good sleeper, without drugs. But it wasn't meant to be. I take after my Dad in so many ways. Fortunately there's enough of my Mom in me to smooth things out. So I take my little sleeping pill, tuck myself in, and off to sleep I go. Problem is, I hate the thought of becoming addicted, so I don't take one very often. But I have to tonight. It's been too many nights since I slept well, and I'm too busy at work to be as sleepy as I've been.

I think another subject change is in order. In fact, I think it's just time to end this here post. Pill could be kicking in, and I still have to brush and wash before I can get into bed.
I sincerely believe that if all the people in the world got a full and restful night's sleep, we'd all get along so much better.

Boy do I go on and on about nothing sometimes!

And here I am at the end.

Good night.


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