Why Not Knit?

there's no such thing as too much knitting...

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


colors changed Posted by Picasa
Ok, so I changed the colors of the socks, just in case my Sockapaltwoza pal happens to check out my blog~I want the socks to be a surprise!
I decided not to do a 'pattern' because I want the yarn to do its thing. It's variegated, not self-striping, but I thought it would look cool to just knit away without a design. We'll see. Already I am worried that they're too big. I think I may have to unknit at least an inch. That makes me very unhappy.
But it's all about the knitting, right?
I read a lot of knitting blogs, and there is conversation sometimes about 'it' being about the process, or the end result. I think I must be a process knitter, 'cause I'm never as happy to start or finish a project as I am to be in the middle of one. I have to be in a particular frame of mind to start something new. Come to think of it, I'm the same with finishing. That could explain why the purple shawl is still not finished, even though it's less than 10 rows from being done.
This could also explain why I have way too much yarn in my stash. For the last 4 years I haven't allowed myself to buy yarn unless I have a project to go with it. No more skeins of this yarn or that yarn because it was so pretty/soft/colorful/calling my name. (I may have slipped a time or two, but for the most part have obeyed my self-imposed yarn rule.)
I think I'm afraid of it. I mean, afraid of a new project, not the yarn.
Sometimes, I get so worked up, looking for patterns and yarn, making sure everything is just right. Sometimes, I just suck the joy right out of a new project, because I worry about it so much. I gotta learn to relax and knit, for pete's sake.
No relaxing and knitting for me tonight though.
Must Go Unknit Sock And Not Poke Self In Eye With Needle!!!


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