Why Not Knit?

there's no such thing as too much knitting...

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

same old same old

It's getting pretty boring around here.

I broke down this weekend and played an Xbox Pac-Man game with my beloved. It was actually rather fun, even though I don't play well. That's a nice way of saying that I really suck at Pac-Man. I have a tendency to move my control thingie around in the direction that I want to send Pac-Man. And my husband caught me trying to look around the side of a tree. It' a game ferfucksake! I can't see around the tree!! Just a bit embarassing.

When I wasn't making a fool of myself with Pac-Man, I was knitting. Still plugging away at the purple shawl, and plotting (in my mind) my Socakapal-2-za socks. It's too bad of me, that there are already so many done, and I haven't even started mine. But it's typical~I usually have to contemplate a new project for a bit before I actually start it.
So, there's been knitting around here, for once. I'm also still exercising, almost every night. I have a goal, a plan, a dream. I may actually share it here soon. For now, I'm gonna keep thinking to myself about how cool it would be....



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