Why Not Knit?

there's no such thing as too much knitting...

Sunday, July 10, 2005


So, today I started a gauge swatch for my Sockapal-2-za socks. It would seem that I'm very much behind all the other sockers, but I'm okay with that. My goal is to have them done by August 16th. I do NOT want to be late mailing them out!

I've also been knitting away on the purple shawl. It's slow going~seems even more so now that I'm on the last skein. I think when I next pick it up I'll start the border pattern, which will finish it off. I have no idea how much yarn I'll need for it, and don't want to run out of yarn here at the end.

I am so excited!! Next Friday my best friend from CA is coming out with her two children. She will leave Monday and the kids will stay here with us till Friday, when the 3 of us (no husband-he's not able to fly yet) will fly back to CA. I'll fly home on Monday~it'll be a very short and sweet trip. But I'm thrilled to have my babies here with me, for the first time. They aren't babies anymore, though I still think of them that way. Nettie's 10 & Anthony is 9, I guess they haven't been babies for a long time. It will be sort of tough when they are here, only because my beloved won't really be able to do much with us. I have plans to take them to lots of different places, and he is only able to be up for an hour and a half. Maybe it'll be kind of like before I left them.

It was sooo hot here this weekend. I can't quite get the hang of this Minnesota weather. I never know what it's supposed to be doing in what month. So. Annoying.
I shouldn't complain. Soon enough it will be snowing.

Well, time to end this here post and get ready for bed. This week promises to be crazy busy at work, just like the last few. I'm certain the only reason I haven't pulled out all of my hair is because I am exercising regularly, and it really has cut down on stress. I take it all out on my elliptical!



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