Why Not Knit?

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Thursday, August 04, 2005

missing you

Tonight on my drive home from work I heard Pearl Jam on the radio. It instantly made me think of my girl, and of the music she used to listen to.
You may not know this, but some Pearl Jam got mixed in with some Soundgarden and came out as Temple of the Dog. As soon as I realized it was ol' Eddie singing I had to call her up, and ask her, 'what was the name of that group that Pearl Jam made with that other group?' Classic Lori & Trish stuff. I must've asked her that a million times. And each time she'd tell me. Very patiently, as if she hadn't told me a million times already.
After I'd been home for awhile, my cell phone rang. It was Trish, telling me to guess who was playing on the radio at that very moment. Yep, Temple of the Dog. Very freaky, goose-bumpy moment.
Man, I miss her. I wish I didn't live so far away. Breaks my heart when I think about it.
So I don't let myself think about it very often.
Easier that way.
Not easy tonight, with the missing and the memories all jumbled together.

Not easy tonight.


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