Why Not Knit?

there's no such thing as too much knitting...

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

the tortoise and the hare

In other words, the socks are not yet done. I got into a traffic jam at Harry Potter Blvd. And then I took a wrong turn at Stephanie Plum Ave.
The good news is, the books are finished!
At least I don't have books and socks hanging over my head, right? I mean, I can breathe (knit) easier now that the books are read and out of the way.
I do knit on them a little bit every day. It just doesn't look like it. There's something about the place I am in these socks...they look the same every day. Like I didn't knit 10 rows, or 20 even, last night. Every day at lunch I knit on them (and get lots of lovely comments from my knitting co-workers. I hope this means my SPal2Za will love them) and then I knit on them again at night. And they don't seem to be growing. I do remember, even though it was several years ago that I knit my other two pairs of socks, that this is the longest stage.
I may change my tune when it's time to do the ribbing. I can't remember that part of my previous sock knitting.

Tomorrow I will go to my Dana Friend's house after work. We will eat something wonderful she has prepared, knit a little, and catch me up on Six Feet Under. Even though I know what happens already, I haven't watched the last several episodes. So it'll be a good night.

Speaking of goodnights, it's time for one for me. What a good place to say...


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