Why Not Knit?

there's no such thing as too much knitting...

Friday, August 12, 2005

welcome back potter

Well, something happened when I looked at my socks...I decided I didn't need to rip them out. That made me very happy. I have maybe another inch to go before I get to start turning the heel. I really hope I remember how to do that. I just did some heel turning, on the little baby socks I made.
But that was 2 months ago.
I've slept since then.

The nice thing about these socks is they seem to be knitting up quite quickly. No knittting tonight though (well, 4 rows but I'm not counting them) since I've been watching some pre-season football on TV.

Mike Tice may very well be able to pull a football team out of his ass here. I've been very impressed by their behavior on & off the field. I've never been quiet about my belief that a certain ex-Viking was just a waste of humanity. I don't care how awesome you are in a sport, you still have an obligation to your team to act like you are one of them.
That's all I'm going to say about that asshole. I mean that jerk.

So, maybe tomorrow I will actually be able to do a little exercise. I haven't done any at all since I got sick. And even though I'm not completely recovered, I feel much better. I'm ready to do a little walking. Or something. And yes Mom, I'll take it easy.

My Dana friend just got back from her Alaska cruise, and guess what she brought me tonight when we met for dinner? Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince! And 10 Big Ones from Janet Evanovich! And some beautiful silver dragonfly earrings! They are so sweet and perfect for me. And the books~oh. my. goodness. I've been waiting for them, oh so impatiently. She's such a good girl for sharing her books with me.
Problem is, all I want to do is read. And I've got socks to knit. But maybe, just maybe, once I've turned the heels and I'm doing the ribbing I'll be able to knit and read at the same time.

Wish me luck!


At 4:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My husband and brother-in-law agree about that certain Viking. As an Eagles fan, I don't have a say (though my team is certainly dealing with its own personality issues right now.) I think this will be a turnaround year for the Vikes.

(Oh, I found your blog by following Sockapal2za links on the Blue Blog.)


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