Why Not Knit?

there's no such thing as too much knitting...

Monday, September 19, 2005


It's so good to have my socks finished and in the mail. I really hope my Sockapal-2-za likes them. They were fun to knit, mostly because of the yarn color. And I really liked thinking about my sock pal getting them. I put a couple of other goodies in the package for her, and hope they all make her smile.

In other sock knitting news, I heard from the person who knit socks for me. This person says my socks are on their way, and that they are coming from afar. I'm so excited~I just can't wait to see them!

Now that the socks are done, I need to get busy knitting a square for my knitting retreat afghan. Every retreat we decide who will get the next afghan. Then we all knit a square and sew it together at camp. I'm thinking lots and lots about who this next afghan is for. I want my square to really suit her.

I also am getting ready to knit a beaded bracelet. I finally got all of my beads strung tonight. Man, that is hard to do when your eyes don't want to work. So I will try to start the thing tomorrow at work.

It's been nice to see so many people making donations to Hurricane Katrina relief funds. I sincerely hope the people in need will get some serious help.
I can't help but be irritated and angered by all the finger pointing that seems to be going on. I just don't believe this serves any purpose.

Well, enough about that. For now, let's just go to bed and sleep well (hopefully)


At 12:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea! I got the socks thanks! They are so fun and colorful. They are nice and slouchy perfect for lounge around the house socks! Thanks so much. Thanks also for the stitch marker and post it notes. They arrived on Thursday – so did my cold. I misplaced the note until a few minutes ago in my brain has been fried by my fever forgetfulness. Sorry it has taken so long to let you know that they are here. Thanks again!



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