Why Not Knit?

there's no such thing as too much knitting...

Thursday, August 25, 2005


No sock progress. I'm a loser, I know.
It's okay. I'm really okay with my loser status.
I've got one week left to finish. I really have longer than that, but I have a tendency to be late, Lori's Mandatory F___ Around Time has to be factored in.
Hey, don't judge me...

The other day I was driving home from work. Minding my Ps & Qs. In the correct lane to go forward through the light. A guy in the lane to the right of me (another forward lane) pulled in front of me, so that he could get in the left turn lane. I beeped my horn at him, just a little to say, "Hey, I'm right here." He proceeded to pull in front of me and into the left turn lane, then stop along side me, roll down his window and ask, "Are all Minneapolis drivers this fucking ignorant?!" All I could do was sputter and stare, and yell at him to kiss my butt as he pulled away.
How about that? I was in the correct lane. He was in the wrong lane and had to cut me off in order to get in the lane he really wanted, and yet I was the fucking ignorant one.
I just don't get people.

Tomorrow I will go with my Dana Friend and Kelly to Let's Dish to make 8 separate meals that each serve 6. I'm very excited about it. All I will have to do is defrost & cook them. Trying to free up some time around here.
Then Saturday Dana & I will meet with Lynne & Nancy at the Yarn Cafe, to see Anne, Rosemary & Beverly. I hope I don't get tempted by any yarn. I've been so good lately. And that's no fun!

Time to play with doggie a little bit before bedtime. He's growling at me, and keeps bringing his blue bone to me and dropping it at my feet. It's a sign.



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