Why Not Knit?

there's no such thing as too much knitting...

Friday, May 27, 2005

so. tired.

Who knew I could be this sleepy? I am SOO looking forward to this long weekend full of nothing. Gonna hit some yard sales with my Dana friend tomorrow.
And that's all I have planned. The rest of the weekend will just come together naturally. I am secretly hoping I will get my shi* together and get my knitting stuff organized. I want to figure out what my next project will be. I want to get my yarn contained, instead of being in every available container/free space in my house. And I need to exercise all 3 days of this long weekend, since I didn't do any movement more strenuous than lifting a fork to my mouth today. My motto regarding food is 'If you're gonna eat it, eat it good'. And today, I did. (thanks to Lizz for the great quote!)
So I have all these knitting plans/intentions. Don't I always intend to knit more than I actually do?
In my mind I am knitting constantly, and it is good.

Life is good, even though it's very sleepy here where I am. I'm gonna go to bed early, and wake up late. Here's to a nice, long weekend.



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