Why Not Knit?

there's no such thing as too much knitting...

Monday, June 20, 2005

too bad

Wow! Who knew it could take so long to knit two little baby socks? Of course, it isn't so much that it's taking me a long time as it's just that I don't get to knit very much.
Why is that?
It's really all I want to do!
I am so close to being done with the2nd (3rd) sock that I can't stand it. I may just stay up a bit late tonight to finish it. Then it will be out of my hair, and I will just throw away the 1st sock.
At least, I inted to toss it.
Sometimes stuff happens to me on the way to my intentions.

Then I must start the socks for my Mama. I also need to get the yarn for my Sockapal-2-za socks. No idea when that can happen. I hate leaving my beloved any more than I already do for work. But a month of all husband and nothing else is gonna make me a very boring (and bitchy) girl. So maybe I'll hit up my Dana Friend for a trip to The Yarn Cafe, for some yarn and snacks. We are having a garage sale Saturday (yikes, I still have to get my stuff together for that!) so maybe we can yarn Sunday.

I thought for sure today we were gonna be swept over by a tornado. It would be my first time. In a tornado, that is. No such luck. In truth, I'm glad. My co-workers all know that if a tornado should appear they are on their own. I will be gone in a flash, and won't be checking to see if anyone needs assistance. Running out into the hall looking for the nearest stairwell in which to hide (and pee my pants!).
It would be...not pretty.

It is time, yet again, for bed. How it comes upon my so quickly I will never know.



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