Why Not Knit?

there's no such thing as too much knitting...

Sunday, October 09, 2005

be bloggie

I stopped watching the Cowboys beat the Eagles for this. I don't enjoy watching teams get creamed. Well, maybe I would enjoy seeing the Vikings get creamed.
Oh, wait. I have seen and enjoyed that!
Good football day. Saw Brett Favre lead the Packers to an astounding victory! Seriously, I don't believe it gets any better than him. My friend Amy hates him, but then she likes Randy Moss too. As Bill P would say, there's no accounting for taste. But she & I still love each other, in spite of these "football faults". (Amy, you know those quotation marks are just for you....and so is the ellipsis)

Got lots of knitting done this weekend. Still no pictures. Progress is being made, slowly but surely, on the Mom socks. Am about halfway into the beaded bracelet. Maybe I'll take a picture of the two projects together, and post it.
Yesterday went with my Dana friend to a knit-together in Annandale put together by the wonderful & funny Marge. Met lots of knitters and did lots of knitting. Won a doorprize! I never win a doorprize, so this was very cool. I don't know what to do with it, but am excited nonetheless.

Today my beloved and I went to Key's Cafe for breakfast (I love Key's Cafe!!!) and then took little doggie to buy food and bones. Poor Snicker, he's been out of bones for a week. While at the store, I found some extra small boots for him. Trust me, he is so excited about these boots! I almost can't wait for snow, just to see him tromping along.

Spent about an hour catching up on my blog reading today. Lots of interesting people out there. I love reading, but have only commented once. I really should comment more. Let people know I'm reading and enjoying them.

Well, that's my update. Time to go watch Cold Case and do some mmore knitting. I hope we all sleep well tonight.


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