Why Not Knit?

there's no such thing as too much knitting...

Sunday, November 27, 2005


My husband took me to Brainerd for Thanksgiving, and it was great!
We had a lovely time, and were almost sorry to leave. We did a little sight-seeing and a little window shopping. We also got our cable fix, and were reminded why we really don't mind not having cable. Most of the time we don't mind, anyway.
It was strange not to be home for a holiday. I mean, most holidays, we are either at home here or at home in California. I guess by home I mean with family.
But Kevin and I are a family, so there you go Lori.
But it was different.
Not bad~just different.
We both really enjoyed ourselves and our time away, but are happy to be home. We missed our little doggie! He is such a big part of us, it just doesn't feel right to be away from him for very long, and especially not for a holiday.

In spite of the nice time I had, and the basic goodness of my life, I find myself feeling depressed lately. I can't help but wonder if it's just the holiday stuff that's got me down, or if there's more to it.

I feel like most of my posts lately have a 'whiney-tit' feel to them, so maybe it's time to stop posting. I'd like to be able to write happy, fun stuff, but it's just not how I feel.
Definitely time to stop!

Next time I post there will be pictures of my Brainerd visit, and socks and jewelry. And no sad whiney-titedness!!!


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