Why Not Knit?

there's no such thing as too much knitting...

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Doesn't Believe Me

My dog, that is. He keeps barking at me, even though I tell him it's time to settle down, time for bed. He just keeps barking and spinning around. Kinda cute, even though it is bedtime.
So, a nice long weekend is now behind me. I wish the weekend was longer. Like 3 days, instead of 2. A dream, I know.

Got lots of knitting done this weekend. Had Carol and Liz over Saturday for knitting together. I didn't knit much, but it was a good time. I feel bad that Liz is in heel hell, like I was for awhile with my Sockapaltwoza socks. But I think she may be out of it now. When she left yesterday she said she understood the wrapping process. So here's to Lizz getting her heels done!

Speaking of Sockapaltwoza socks, I still haven't received mine. I don't know what
happened. According to Alison, the socks were made and then mailed by my pal. But they haven't come yet. So, I got no socks out of the deal. Bummer. Will make me think twice before joining one of those things again.

I'm still knitting away on the socks for my Mom. Plus I started a shawl for her. How pathetic that I can't remember if I already blogged about starting a shawl for her. The socks are at the 'home knit only' stage, and the shawl is a great 'to go' project.

Today I bought 'Last Minute Knitted Gifts'. There are actually several projects in this book I'd like to make. I've got the urge to start several. Oh man, I've got it bad! I need to settle down. Just last weekend I bought a book by Amy Singer that has the cutest knitted boxers. Again, several projects that I'd like to make. I don't have the time nor the talent to make everything I want. I doubt I'll let that stop me!

Well, doggie has finally realized I mean what I say, and has curled up into a teeny little ball near my feet. Time to tuck him in, and myself as well.
Here's to a good night's sleep for everyone!


At 6:35 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

Oh no! It is a major bummer that you didn't get socks from sockapal2za.

I love Last Minute Knitted Gifts, there's no reason you can't start several projects at once! Go for it!


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