Why Not Knit?

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Sunday, December 11, 2005

Feeling Better

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My Mom's socks are finally finished!
I've discovered that I really suck at heels. And I think I need to go down a needle size. These were knit on size 4 circulars, and I think I would like the gauge better on a 3. Not that I'm eager to work with smaller needles. But I like to knit socks, and want to make nice socks, so I will try a smaller needle next time. I am also going to try a picot edge bind off next time. I played around with it on a swatch and I like the way it looks. I will have to look through my old posts to see when I started these, cause I sure don't remember. I am curious though, to see how long they took.
I am going to be a better, faster knitter next year.
If I say it out loud, it will be true.

As this title says~I am feeling better. It's amazing how much better I felt after just admitting that I was depressed, and that I needed some help. And the help is helping, so I'm getting better.
I wish there was a different name for depression.
The name itself is so damn depressing!
I just have too many things working against me, to do it on my own. Not that I feel I need to explain it, but for me, it's part of it. Knowing what's going on and why. Before when I was depressed, it was very different, and had a very different cause. This time, it's just like I said. Too many things working against me.
But now I can at least focus, now the fog is clearing from my mind.
It feels so good to feel good.

I am on schedule for Christmas package mailing. Who knew I could do it? My beloved didn't even factor in my MFAT this time~he said he totally forgot. We were just talking about it tonight, and I asked if the boxes got mailed Tuesday if they'd still get to California on time. He said to me, "You really need a deadline, don't you?" That sums me up. I work best with a deadline looming over me. And I never get done ahead of time.
I don't know how it happened, but he said they need to be mailed Monday and I am ready.
I totally rock!

Now, it's time to go work on my Christmas stockings. This is the first year we will be spending the night over Christmas eve here in Minnesota (we usually are able to come back home for the night), and I am doing stockings for everyone. This is tradition in my family~we have dinner and open our presents Christmas Eve, and then Christmas morning we get stockings that are filled by 'Santa'. I love the tradition, and look forward to doing it with my husband's family.



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