Why Not Knit?

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Monday, December 26, 2005

We Wish You a Merry Christmas....

And a Happy New Year!
This is a picture of me (obviously) holding the new quilt my Mom made me for Christmas. The star is a Choctaw design she found in a book many moons ago. She made a beaded pendant for me back then~an off white star inside a green background. I loved it so much that I had it tattood on my ankle. So this star shape has special significance for us.

I think I look a bit like Baby Huey in this picture. Actually, I think I look like him in all of my Christmas pictures. I should have combed my hair, I guess.

We had a great Christmas here, spent lots of time with MIL & FIL. I actually cooked two meals, two different days in a row! This is a big deal, people...since I am not much of a cooker. But I felt really bad for MIL & FIL about all the family crap that's been going on, and I wanted to show them that I love and appreciate them. So, it was easy to do. Plus, the dinner for Christmas day was cooked in the crockpot.

I got some fab Christmas loot~a cool Colts pink ribbon hat, and great tools for my jewelry making endeavors. Some of those tools look like they could be used for dental procedures. Or torture.
Same thing, in my book!

The best thing, though, was spending time with my beloved. He really is the best gift of all.
And it was great to be with family, though we only got to see my beloved's parents. It seems that no matter what, I am missing somebody. Either I am here, missing my family in CA, or I am there, missing my family here.
I am lucky, I know, that I have family to miss. And that, hopefully, misses me!

Ok, little doggie thinks it's his turn now, so it's time to say goodbye. I really hope everyone had a joyful, and merry, Christmas.


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