Thursday, April 27, 2006
Sunday, April 02, 2006
for the Guppy

Kimono sweater

Here's the most recently photographed sweater progress. It looks a bit different tonight though. I've worked on it off and on all weekend, (took this picture Friday evening) and now I've moved onto one of the fronts. I have no idea how this whole thing is gonna come together, all I can do is knit and hope that I'm doing it correctly. Lucky for me it's a small little thing. Even so, I may end up being very sorry that I didn't make sure my gauge was right on. It's good practice though, right? And the Guppy isn't due to arrive till October, so I've got some time to work it out.
Another rainy day, I think this is the third in a row. But I love that saying about April showers. Plus, where I'm from winter means rain, and I used to play in the rain all the time at home (yes, even as an adult) so the rain is very, I don't know, comforting, I guess. The only thing I don't like about the rain here is the way the dumb worms come up out of the ground and crawl into my garage, and onto my back patio. Gross!! I try to pick them up and relocate them, but there are so many and I can never keep up. So. Sad.
Well, it's about that time. Have just enough time to read of few of my favorite blogs, and then get ready for bed.