Why Not Knit?

there's no such thing as too much knitting...

Sunday, October 30, 2005

I Am A Bear

Today my beloved said the sweetest/funniest thing to me. We had just gone to the new Cabela's, in Rogers, and bought some new boots for moi. I was talking about how great they would be for walking in snow & slush and I told him that I want to get outside more this winter, since I usually settle in when the weather gets cold. He said, "Yeah, that's the bear in you." Sweet/funny because I always say that, that I'm like a bear, putting on my winter coat and hibernating for winter.
Proof right there that he listened to me, at least once!
Whew~Cabela's sucked like I couldn't have imagined. We got there at 10:30 and still had to park in the grass, which by then was just grassy mud. Yuck. Then, once we got inside, it was way too hot. We were both dying. We picked out boots, looked briefly at jackets and left. Of course, there was a corn dog stand right outside the store so we had to stop for our grease fix. Yummy~I loves me a corn dog!
After the Cabela's experience I called two local yarn stores, Amazing Threads & The Yarn Cafe, to see if they had 'KnitWit 30 easy & hip projects' by Amy Singer. Jennie at knitting camp had one, and there are quite a few projects in there I wanted to make. Fortunately The Yarn Cafe had the book, so we stopped there on the way home.
Now we're home, enjoying (or not, since I detest the Vikings but it's the only game on right now) football and making bread in my bread machine. Just playing with it, trying to figure out how it works. I'm trying to come up with a recipe to make some holiday kind of bread in that thing, maybe something with cranberries.
So, there's my day. Kinda boring, to anybody but me. I just said to someone the other day that I'm a boring old married lady, and that I wouldn't have it any other way.
And it's true.
Life is good...

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

green bean casserole

I never had GBC before I lived here. It's a Minnesota thing, people tell me. I can't figure out why we never had it at home. I mean, it's good! I love love love it! I can make it myself now, and I do, but it's not as good as Diane's (my SIL). Or even Bernie's (my MIL). But it works. I'm making some right now, cause I just need some.
One of these days I'll stop comforting myself with food, won't I?

So, this past weekend I went to my twice a year knitting retreat. It was great, as usual. Got to see all my knitting buddies, have a massage, and go for nice walks in the woods. My Dana friend and I even ran for 10 minutes on a dirt road. I like to walk in the woods, as long as it's daytime. Once it gets dark, I do NOT want to be outside. Everyone at the retreat knows about what a big chicken I am in the dark, and I don't even care. I don't know what happened to me to make me such a fraidy-cat, but I am. Just ask Dana. She takes such good care of me, on the rare occasion that I do go outside after dark. She always takes good care of me, regardless of the time of day.
Thanks to Lynne, a friend I made from my first retreat all those years ago, I have a finished sweater that I can actually wear. A long time ago, I knit myself a long cardigan with Bernat Soft Boucle. Not an expensive yarn, but very nice and soft. Problem was, when it came time to sew it together, and I had all the pieces pinned, the thing was too big. So big, that I was disgusted by it (well, really I was disgusted by myself and my stupidity for not trying the damn thing on as I was going. I mean, seriously, the sleeves were each 12 inches too long!!!) and threw it all in a bag so I wouldn't have to think about it. I brought it with me, cause I really needed to finish it, even if I was gonna have to give away. But Lynne helped me with it, and was able to use her sewing machine to take up some of the extra space and then cut off the sleeves and picked up stitches and bound them off and then made the whole thing look so nice and neat and pretty and now I can wear it! Woo hoo, woo hoo hoo!!!
Very cool. I'll have to take a picture of myself in THE sweater to post.
Well, GBC is done. The oven is beeping at me as I type. So this is a good place to end this, right? Besides, I told my husband I'd let him kick my ass at Pac Man tonight!

Sunday, October 16, 2005


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I tried really hard to get the perfect fall picture yesterday, and none of the 17 I took came even close to showing the gloriousness of fall. (I think I may have just made up a word there, but I don't care.)
This particular photo is of Lake Netta, the sweetest little town and lake nearby. Only about 15 minutes away from where I live. My beloved took me for a drive yesterday morning, and it was so nice. Little doggie got to go too.

As usual, I am trying to get my square done for the knitting retreat afghan at the last minute. I am hampered by some strange thought that I can design my own pattern for the thing. Why, I do not know.
Must just hate myself real bad.
I've now done 3 swatches, and have even printed out graph paper to really get the thing going.
In my next life, I swear, I'm not gonna be a procrastinator!


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I took this picture on Setember 10, on the way up to Little Falls with Lizz & Carol. I knew it was there, I'd seen it once before on a road trip with my husband. Was just up that way last weekend and the sign was gone.
I hope they didn't have to give away too many free haircuts.
There actually web sites devoted to mullet sightings. I know, I've been to at least two. I have no idea how many there are. All devoted to documenting mullet sightings.
Funny stuff.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

be bloggie

I stopped watching the Cowboys beat the Eagles for this. I don't enjoy watching teams get creamed. Well, maybe I would enjoy seeing the Vikings get creamed.
Oh, wait. I have seen and enjoyed that!
Good football day. Saw Brett Favre lead the Packers to an astounding victory! Seriously, I don't believe it gets any better than him. My friend Amy hates him, but then she likes Randy Moss too. As Bill P would say, there's no accounting for taste. But she & I still love each other, in spite of these "football faults". (Amy, you know those quotation marks are just for you....and so is the ellipsis)

Got lots of knitting done this weekend. Still no pictures. Progress is being made, slowly but surely, on the Mom socks. Am about halfway into the beaded bracelet. Maybe I'll take a picture of the two projects together, and post it.
Yesterday went with my Dana friend to a knit-together in Annandale put together by the wonderful & funny Marge. Met lots of knitters and did lots of knitting. Won a doorprize! I never win a doorprize, so this was very cool. I don't know what to do with it, but am excited nonetheless.

Today my beloved and I went to Key's Cafe for breakfast (I love Key's Cafe!!!) and then took little doggie to buy food and bones. Poor Snicker, he's been out of bones for a week. While at the store, I found some extra small boots for him. Trust me, he is so excited about these boots! I almost can't wait for snow, just to see him tromping along.

Spent about an hour catching up on my blog reading today. Lots of interesting people out there. I love reading, but have only commented once. I really should comment more. Let people know I'm reading and enjoying them.

Well, that's my update. Time to go watch Cold Case and do some mmore knitting. I hope we all sleep well tonight.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

How old do I look?

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This is a picture my husband took of us Saturday. He said, "We look very happy." We are. It still surprises me, how happy I can be, and how happy someone can be with me.
Life is good.

I am knitting away on my Mom's Amethyst socks. It's just knitting in the round. Round and round. Not at all worth a picture. Maybe when I get to the heel. And you know I'm hoping to not get stuck in heel hell with this pair.
I have wondered with these socks if I should go down a needle size. I think I will for the next pair, just to see what happens. Not that I'm thrilled with the idea of knitting with size 2 needles. But you gotta do what you gotta do.

Got to watch lots of football Sunday, and then last night. It was good to see Brett Favre enjoying himself again, even though his team lost. I thought they played well, toward the end anyway.
It's all starting to get good now.

Well, SVU is on and I must go watch. This is such a good show. Along with Criminal Intent. Although they fargged us with new detectives last time. Don't get me wrong, I like Chris Noth. But he's no Bobby Goran.

So, for now, goodnight. I hope we all sleep well.