Why Not Knit?

there's no such thing as too much knitting...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

little blue sweater Posted by Picasa

Oh how sweet!

CeCe's sweater Posted by Picasa

Ok, I am such a moron, I still don't quite have this picture posting thing completely figured out yet. But here is a cute little sweater I knit for my Lizzie's new baby. Baby is not here yet, not due till October. (she'll come on the first, if I have anything to say about it. And I don't, so who knows when she'll get here.) But I love this little sweater, it's the baby kimono pattern from the 2006 pattern-a-day calendar. I'm pretty sure I talked about the pattern in a previous post, so I won't say any more than that it's really cute, and rather easy as long as you follow the directions. I am on my third one, and each one has been slightly different than the others. That's just me though, that's not the pattern.
Also, I should say that I modified the pattern just a wee little bit...I wanted to use a button instead of tying the thing closed (those ties looked like a real bitch-I've made plenty of I-cord in my day and did not look forward to it for this pattern) so I found a button I liked and then just crocheted a button loop to fit it.
Et voila!

So, now I am faced with my usual dilemma of the evening. Do I read my knitting blogs, do I knit some more on the next sweater, or do some laundry? Oh, one more option is to play my computer game, Bejeweled.
It looks like my beloved is taking care of what I should do now...shower time! Yeah!! I actually don't have to do much anymore, just dry his legs. I like to play my computer game when he showers, cause I can pause and return without missing anything.

I guess I should take this as my cue to end this post. It's been so long, I wondered if I should just stop posting. Decided to keep going, as I really enjoy this thing. I will hopefully have more time to post now that beloved is able to do more for himself.

Well then~goodnight~