Why Not Knit?

there's no such thing as too much knitting...

Sunday, June 12, 2005

I just don't know

Well, today was one of those days that we wait all winter for...sunny, blue skies. Light breeze. Temps in the low 80's.
Today was made even better by getting to spend it with some of my favorite people. Our niece turned 16 Tuesday and her family birthday gathering was today. I don't get to see her and her sister and parents nearly enough.
Snicker got to go with us to enjoy the birthday festivities. He got all hopped up on sugar~we may have 'accidentally' shared some Rice Krispy Treats with him. But he was still a good boy. A little hyper, but good. It's actually amazing how well he behaves with lots of people around, since it's usually just the three of us.
I got to knit a bit on the road, and a little bit once we got there. I have taught my two nieces and their mom to knit, so they are usually quite interested in whatever I am knitting. They liked the little baby sock~the 2nd one I have going.
I really like this 2nd one a lot better than the first. I'm certain I will knit another, to match this 2nd one. At least it is good practice, and I do have lots of sock knitting to do in my future.

I figured out the other day that I/we have been running since May 18th. We are now running for 15 minutes out of 30, and it's going really well. I am still enjoying the heck out of it, and have bragged about it now to my family. I may even get my hair cut really short tomorrow, just to accomodate the jogging. Well, the sweating that I do when I'm jogging. It's really hard to make myself presentable when my hair is sopping wet. I'll talk to my hair gal tomorrow, and see what she suggests. It doesn't help that I am incredibly lazy with my hair, and really want only to have to wash it in order for it to look good. LAZY!!

It seems to be time for bed. Where does the time go?


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