Why Not Knit?

there's no such thing as too much knitting...

Monday, June 06, 2005


There's been a sad lack of knitting at my house. I don't seem to be able to knit more than one row at a time on my purple shawl. No matter what I'm doing, I get one row knit and then stop. Minutes go by, and I knit another row. This kind of knitting is too slow! I'll never get the purple shawl done at this rate!! What is wrong with me?!
Wait, don't answer that. I paid a lot of money many years ago to find out what was wrong with me, and I don't want to know if there's something new going on.

Tonight my boys and I rode over to Quizno's for dinner, and then back home. It was perfect bike riding weather. Boy, these are the days I dream of during those long months of dreary, gray and cold.
I thought long and hard about wearing my helmet tonight. I just like to feel the wind blowing through my hair. I know, I could be one traumatic brain/spinal cord injury away from feeling anything ever again, much less the wind in my hair. But I'm thinking about it at least. Do I get points for that? And I nagged my beloved about getting a helmet for him, even went so far as to say that we wouldn't ride anymore if we didn't both HAVE AND WEAR helmets. He doesn't believe me. I don't really blame him. It was pretty much bullshit at this point. But not next time. Next time we ride, I will wear my helmet. That's a promise!

On the way to Quizno's we rode through a park with several ponds spaced throughout the whole thing. At one pond, as I wheelded past, I noticed a 'thing' sticking up out of the ground. I had to stop and check it out, you know? I couldn't believe it~it was a turtle! Sitting with his bottom half in a hole, not doing anything but sitting. I mentioned it to my husband, but kept riding. We went home through the same park, and sure enough, the little turtle was still there, but this time I could see he was actively digging. Using his hind legs, he was digging himself further down into the ground. When I commented to my beloved about him still being there, he told me that 'he's probably a she and she's probably digging a hole to lay eggs.' How about that?
So now I can't wait to go back and see what the turtle was up to. Most other bike rides I bring my camera long, just in case there is something picture-worthy. Do you think I had my camera with tonight? Oh no, of course not.
So no pictures of Mr. Turtle digging a hole. No pictures of little doggie actually sitting on his butt with his front paws up on the rim of the basket ( a major deal after the 'incident' on our last ride-doggie decided for no apparent reason to jump out of basket while we were rolling along. Thank goodness I have him attached to basket by a short leash!). No pictures of my cutie husband on his really cool bike.
I suck.
No knitting.
No pictures
Good place to say goodnight.


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