It's Off to Camp I Go
Or Off To Camp I went.
Camp K was nice. But different.
Not the same.
Yes, I guess that's what different means.
It was good though, to be together with my knitty friends.
Claire Cecilia is here!! She was born last night, and she is so beautiful!! No, really, her head's not even mashed or smushed. Just beautiful.
I got to hold her twice already, and I am in love.
Once she's big enough to wear her sweater I'll take a picture to post.
Lately it seems that all I do is read knitting blogs and play with my iPod. I'm gonna have to apply myself to some housework soon, dammit!
Ok, sleep beckons. Need more sleep. Both of the men in my life are already in bed, almost asleep. Oh wait, the little one just came over to see what I was doing. He likes to be the last one to bed.
Very sweet.