Why Not Knit?

there's no such thing as too much knitting...

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Here I go

This is Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock yarn, 80% Superwash Wool/20% Nylon, in Amethyst Stripe. I got this at 'That Little Red House' up in Grand Marais. I was looking around, totally in love with all the yarn and cute ways it was displayed, when I found a basket of this Lorna's Laces yarn, in the sink. So many beautiful color ways, and do you think I could decide which one was to be mine? Oh no. Until, after a good 5 minutes of dithering, (15 if you ask my husband) I discovered the names of the colorways. Well, me Mother's birthstone just happens to be Amethyst, so once I saw that it was a done deal.
Now, if I could only decide what to make. I've owed her a pair of socks since the first pair of socks I made for myself. She has a skinny little narrow foot, and funky toes, so I think she would really appreciate a pair of socks made just for her. Problem is, it's been many moons since I made socks. I'd have to enlist my Dana friend to get them started. Not that she isn't game, whenever I need help. One of these days I'll have to write about the 'baby blanket incident'. Or maybe not, it'll probably lose a lot in the telling.
Anyhoo, my other thought was a pair of fingerless gloves, long ones. But I think I'd like to have half fingers for her, and I'm not sure if I have a pattern like that. There's a voice inside my head telling me I can just wing a it. That voice scares me. I know I cannot wing it. I'm not a winger. I am completely unable to stray from a pattern. Same with a recipe. I know, I'm boring. I've been told that before.
So I just need to decide what to do with this lovely yarn.
I think I'll sleep on it. Tomorrow promises to be a day filled with knitting, so something may even get cast on...
Buenos Noches.
yarn for next project
Posted by Hello

Friday, May 27, 2005

so. tired.

Who knew I could be this sleepy? I am SOO looking forward to this long weekend full of nothing. Gonna hit some yard sales with my Dana friend tomorrow.
And that's all I have planned. The rest of the weekend will just come together naturally. I am secretly hoping I will get my shi* together and get my knitting stuff organized. I want to figure out what my next project will be. I want to get my yarn contained, instead of being in every available container/free space in my house. And I need to exercise all 3 days of this long weekend, since I didn't do any movement more strenuous than lifting a fork to my mouth today. My motto regarding food is 'If you're gonna eat it, eat it good'. And today, I did. (thanks to Lizz for the great quote!)
So I have all these knitting plans/intentions. Don't I always intend to knit more than I actually do?
In my mind I am knitting constantly, and it is good.

Life is good, even though it's very sleepy here where I am. I'm gonna go to bed early, and wake up late. Here's to a nice, long weekend.


Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Blue skies smiling at me

Hallelujia (or however the hell you spell that word) the sun really does exist! It was out today, and it was glorious. Let's hope we're seeing the end of the yucky, icky, rainy days.

I'm drinking a cup of yummy jasmine tea, made from the strange looking balls of tea. That sounds rather odd, when I read it over. Balls of tea. I may have to write "An Ode to Balls of Tea", similar to my 'Ode to Cheesey Popcorn'. Of course, the Cheesey Popcorn ode was a testament of my love and devotion to said cheesey popcorn. The Balls of Tea ode may be slighty less affectionate. I am such a gutter dog that a reference to anything that could ever possibly be testicular in nature brings out the rude, crude and obnoxious me that I enjoy so much. And that would be too bad, since the balls of jasmine tea are so yummy, and I really do love them!
So, maybe no 'Ode to Balls of Tea'. I probably don't really want to post such a thing. I may eventually want someone else to read this here blog, and don't want to get embarassed.
Wait a minute! Who just took over my body? Anyone who knows me the slightest little bit knows that I do not embarass easily. With one foot in the gutter all the time, it's hard to do.

Shall I change the subject entirely? Didn't get to knit yet tonight, although I may manage a few rows before my sleeping pill kicks in. I tell you what, I'd love to be a good sleeper, without drugs. But it wasn't meant to be. I take after my Dad in so many ways. Fortunately there's enough of my Mom in me to smooth things out. So I take my little sleeping pill, tuck myself in, and off to sleep I go. Problem is, I hate the thought of becoming addicted, so I don't take one very often. But I have to tonight. It's been too many nights since I slept well, and I'm too busy at work to be as sleepy as I've been.

I think another subject change is in order. In fact, I think it's just time to end this here post. Pill could be kicking in, and I still have to brush and wash before I can get into bed.
I sincerely believe that if all the people in the world got a full and restful night's sleep, we'd all get along so much better.

Boy do I go on and on about nothing sometimes!

And here I am at the end.

Good night.

Monday, May 23, 2005


Man, does this jogging ever make me tired! Feels like I could just fall asleep mid-type. No new knitting to write about, though I have been pondering starting a fingerless glove thingus for my Mom. I think it's something she would really wear a lot. She's just always cold, no matter the temperature .

Wow, I am typo girl tonight. I really hope I've fixed them all. I hate spelling words wrong. No telling tonight though. I will not be held responsible for my typos. I'm really too tired to care.

Seems like some funny thing happened today, that I thought would be great blog fodder. For the life of me, I can't remember what it might have been. I might just as well close this thing up. I am, as Bill P. would say, "As worthless as tits on a boar hog."

Now that's pretty worthless.


Saturday, May 21, 2005

Dad, is that you?

My Dana friend is in Forida, and has been for the last 9 days. I miss her! I talked to her this afternoon. She said the sun's been shining the whole time she's been there. I hate her!! I think I 've seen the sun twice since she's been gone.
What is with this weather?!

Went for a drive with my boys today. Got to do a little road knitting. Ended up in downtown Mpls. I love abbreviating Minneapolis like that. And I love writing POB instead of P. O. Box. I am easily pleased.
Anyhoo, the drive was nice. We didn't go anywhere, just drove, mostly to get out of the house. I think I overstretched something yesterday, in preparation for a jog. Now my butt hurts, but not really my butt, more like my hip. And butt. I don't know, I just like writing butt. But, my butt does hurt. (hee hee!)
Seriously though, I don't know what I pulled. All I know is it hurts. It's better after taking it easy today. Hopefully tomorrow it'll be all better. I don't want to mess with the exercise mojo.

Last night my husband and I experienced what he likes to call my 'selective hearing'. I won't go into the details, but suffice to say that even though I'm 36 years old, old habits die hard. Sometimes, all I hear is Bill P. Coming out of my husband's mouth. Actually only in my head. I am a freak. Still.

Tomorrow I may actually get up the gumption to do something, even if it's wrong. That expression reminds me that I really need to start writing down all of those Bill & Barbara P-isms , before I forget them. I've forgotten more than I ever knew! (that's another one)

For now, it must be time. Doggie is curled up on his little blanket, all wore out from the road trip. He just loves a road trip! I feel like curling up, and hopefully husband will soon too.


Thursday, May 19, 2005

run, Lori, run

So, today I ran for 11 minutes out of 30. I gotta tell you, I am so freakin' impressed with myself. I can't take any credit for the running though~it's only because my chickens are by my side the whole time that I even started exercising regularly. And because of them the time just flies. Today we were three chickens running, and it was great.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm still a serious lard-ass. But I can tell some of the lard is getting firmer.

No knitting progress to report. I think I need to start a new project. Or finish the pink fluffy project for my girl. I need to organize my yarn & all the stuff that goes with yarn. It's all over the place, and I swear it's been multiplying. No way did I ever buy so much yarn. I mean, how can I possibly have so much yarn?
Very disturbing.
I have yarn I can't even remember. I have yarn that I can pull out from wherever and say, "Wow, what was that for?" or "Wow, how long have you been living here?"
Very disturbing.

I can't keep my eyes open anymore. We're all squinty eyed here, looking for the bed.
It's time.

Good night.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

these dreams

I knit several rows on the Purple Shawl last night while watching some country music awards show last night. It was fun to watch, but made me realize how unfamiliar I am with country music anymore. Used to be all I listened to, but not so much anymore. It was fun to see all the singers~I thought it was great to see Garth Brooks, and he gave a very touching tribute to Chris LeDoux.
I also watched one of my all time favorite TV shows last night~Law & Order Special Victims Unit. If you are not watching this show you are really missing out. The L & O Criminal Intent is my other fave. They are both very well done, and I love all the characters and the actors who portray them.

Today I did something I never thought I'd do. I ran. On purpose, not because I was being chased by a maniac with a gun and/or knife. And then, when the running was over, I didn't die. I kept asking my friend, "Am I jogging? Am I really doing it?" Later in the day I called and asked her if that was the same kind of running that people do outside. I just couldn't believe it! I did it for 3 MINUTES!!! And I'm not regretting it yet. (meaning it doesn't feel like my legs have melted into a puddle on the floor) I may even try to do it again tomorrow.

In my dreams I run. I mean, I run like a long distance runner would run.
Up hills, down hills. On paved roads, on dirt paths.

I am long and lean, like a gazelle, in these running dreams.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

promise keeper

Posted by Hello
Well, as promised, here is my purple shawl. I am about halfway thru the 3rd skein, and have one more skein to go. It doesn't look like much here~when it's finished I'll take some pictures of it on the intended recipient. I'll also post the particulars of the piece then. For now, this is all I've got.


Saturday, May 14, 2005


Happy Anniversary! Posted by Hello
I just had to post an anniversary picture~5 years of wedded bliss!

I made a disc of love songs for my beloved, and just before we left for our long weekend away, was madly running through the house, trying to find it. I had put it in a safe place, you know? Seriously, we were both looking all over for 'the plain black cd case'. And I had a little crying fit, which I'd like to blame on lack of sleep from being sick for the last two weeks. I stood in the garage, with husband's arms around me, sobbing like a baby, saying "I made you a cd for our anniversary over two months ago, and now I can't find it, and I'm mad at myself cause I know I put it in a really great place" Sob sob boo hoo. Beloved wipes my eyes and tells me not to worry, it'll show up when we least expect it. I cry some more. I'm very disappointed. I worked long and hard on that cd, selecting songs with great meaning, and did it much earlier than I needed to, so it would be DONE IN TIME FOR THE ANNIVERSARY!! Beloved finally gets me in the car, and I swear, I haven't even put on my seatbelt when it comes to me~I lift the lid of the center console thingie, and there is the plain black cd case.
Sometimes things really do work out the way you want.

I got to knit lots this weekend, and even got to buy some yarn. We made it all the way up to Grand Marais on Saturday. I'd heard there was a new yarn store there, turns out there are two. The one I adored is That Little Red House. Not on the main road, but just one up from it. What an adorable place! Got to chat with the owner for a bit, she was truly delightful. Tons of lovely yarn, nice book selection~all in a cute 'red house'. She really has her wares displayed nicely~baskets of yarn in the kitchen sink and a beautiful 3-tiered tray with some beautiful yarns arranged like desserts on it. She also has tons of scrapbooking goodies. I really hope her business does well.
The other yarn store, the one on the main street, was ok. Obviously, I wasn't as impressed by this one, since I can't even remember the name. It is great though, to see yarn & knitting being so popular, and I always try to support the local yarn shops wherever I may be.
Tomorrow I will post a picture of my purple shawl. I should have taken a picture each time I started a new skein, to show my progress. At least I'll be able to show some progress, between where it is now and when it's finished.

Doggie is wandering around, looking like it's time for bed. I think it is too, so will end this here.


Tuesday, May 10, 2005

beedy eyes

Well, here I am again. Another day gone by without having knit anything. But tomorrow I will go to my Dana friend's house, and we will knit lots. I have high hopes anyway.
Dana is leaving Friday for Florida, and will be there for her fortieth birthday, so tomorrow night she will get her birthday goodies from me. I tried really hard to get her 40 birthday presents...it's harder to do than you might think. Currently I have 18. And it took me a long time to get those 18 presents, let me tell you. It was a great idea though.

I recently started to knit a beaded bracelet. I'm about 5 rows into the i-cord for the button hole. I'm ashamed to admit that it took me a good half hour to get that much done. Little bitty needles (which are even bigger than what I'm supposed to be using) & little bitty 'yarn'. I can hardly see what I'm doing. Seriously, my eyes cross when I look at it. This could get really ugly. Makes me wonder how badly I want to make my own beaded knit bracelet. I mean, after all, I do have one already. How many do I really need? I always think thoughts like this when I'm learning something new that's hard.
I just got back from letting the dog out, and realized I spelled 'beaded' as 'beeded'. It's late dude, and I'm tired. Must be time to hang up my hat.
So, I will.
No knitting, no pictures, nothing good tonight. Just me yapping away. (Yes, I do hear myself saying whatever it is I'm typing, as I'm typing. Is that weird? Oh well...)

Sunday, May 08, 2005


Obviously, I figured out how to post pictures. I've done it twice now, only because I had to check to see if I could do it again. I expect there will be more pictures posted for no reason. Well, the reason will be that I'm trying to remember how to do it. I also expect to post more pictures of my doggie and flowers than of my knitting. I think the doggie and flowers are often more exciting than the knitting. I know this is supposed to be a knitting blog, so I will work on the knitting pics.

The Shepherd's Harvest yesterday was great. I could've been there all day, but my Dana friend was not in the same frame of mind. We met up with our friends, checked out the vendors, bought some stuff, ran into other knitting friends, checked out the llamas, ran into some other knitting friends, bought some stuff, and then went into Stillwater to get some lunch and knit. More knitting in public. We don't get as many strange looks as we used to. Either that or I just don't notice anymore. (sorry, no pictures of the Harvest)

Today is Mother's Day. I didn't get to be with my Mom, not physically anyway. She lives in California, along with the rest of my family. It doesn't get any easier as the years go by. The missing I mean. I learned a long time ago that I should live each day as if it's the last, and for the most part I do. I miss my Mom terribly, but take some comfort in knowing that she knows every day how much I love her.
Tell your people you love them, every day!! (okay, done preaching)

I did get to knit today, not as much as I wanted though. As usual. I don't know if I ever could knit as much as I want. I wonder sometimes if my fingers would fall off, or at the very least turn blue? At the last knitting retreat I went to I knit more than I ever have at a retreat. Even there, a knitting retreat, I usual think about knitting more than I actually knit. What does that say about me?
Do I really want to know?

pretty boy Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 07, 2005


Testing, testing, 1..2..3...

Friday, May 06, 2005


Tomorrow I am going with my Dana friend to The Shepherd's Harvest at the Washington County Fairgrounds. We will meet up with our good knitting friends and see the sights. If weather permits, we will find a nice spot on the grounds to pull out our goods and knit in public. There aren't too many places where I don't knit. My fave would be in the car. No, (duh!) not while I'm driving. I'm lucky that my beloved likes to drive, while I love to ride shotgun. Truly a match made in Heaven!
Anyhoo~it will be a great day, and I'm really gonna try hard not to bring any yarn home with me. I really don't need any, but that doesn't matter, does it? Maybe I'll bring my camera and maybe I'll have figured out by tomorrow evening how to post pictures. I just need to focus~then I'm sure I'll be able to figure it out. Sometimes I can't get my brain wrapped around instructions, no matter how hard I try.

Today some co-workers and I went out after work. It was a great evening~the sun was shining like crazy. So nice after all the dreary weather we've been having. I worried that the back of my neck was going to get burned, so I pulled the collar of my shirt up. This then led me to do a horrible Elvis impersonation. Dear Amy told me I was a goof. I love being a goof, and love when someone notices that I'm a goof.

She may have even said I was a big goof, which is even better!


Thursday, May 05, 2005

1st time

Well, here I am writing my first blog entry. Gotta admit I'm kinda nervous...

I decided to start my own knitting blog after several months of being a blog reader. It's been so much fun, and I've gotten lots of inspiration from them, both knitting and otherwise.

I imagine I'll be writing about more than just knitting. After all, I don't get to knit nearly as often as I'd like. I'm certain my husband and my dog will be mentioned, along with anything else that catches my fancy. Hopefully I'll be able to figure out how to post pictures. There are so many blog things that I don't yet know how to do~clearly I need to get a blogging for dummies book.

Husband just asked how he would go about getting to my blog, to read it. I'm not really sure I want him to read it. Is that weird? I kinda like the idea of this being my own private little world. We'll see.

So, here ends my first entry. I really can't wait to see it on the actual blog.

Good night!